Published by Apple on
5 Jul 2012
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5 Jul 2012 -
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"Apple a oferă software terță-pary pentru s ..."
Apple a oferă software terță-pary pentru scanere și imprimante prin intermediul Software Update. Pur și simplu conectați imprimanta sau scaner pentru Mac. Dacă este nevoie de software și disponibile, OS X va descărca și instala automat aceasta.Acest articol este o listă completă de imprimante acceptate în prezent și modelele de scanere și software-ul asociat oferite de furnizori terți de 28 iunie 2012.
Important: Executați Actualizare software înainte de a conecta la o imprimantă sau un scaner. Aceasta va actualiza baza de date Mac pe cele mai recente modele de imprimare și scanare acceptate.
Pentru a vedea lista completă de imprimante si scanere care sunt furnizate de Software Update, vezi mai jos sau utilizați funcția Find a browser-ului pentru a cauta un anumit nume sau număr de model. Dacă nu puteți găsi un driver pentru modelul specific, verificați lista pentru a vedea dacă un conducător auto este disponibil pentru o serie de imprimante care pot include modelul. De exemplu, o imprimantă cu numărul de model 5070 ar putea folosi driver-ul pentru "5000" sau "5000 Series".
Pentru mai multe informații despre configurarea și utilizarea imprimantelor în OS X Lion, seethis articol.
Pentru mai multe informații despre configurarea și utilizarea imprimantelor în Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard, a se vedea acest articol.
Pentru informații despre problemele de configurare a imprimantei rezolvari de probleme, seethis articol.
Produse acceptate:
Lexmark 1300 Series
Lexmark 1400 Series
Lexmark 1500 Series
Lexmark 2300 Series
Lexmark 2400 Series
Lexmark 2500 Series
Lexmark 2600 Series
Lexmark 3300 Series
Lexmark 3400 Series
Lexmark 350 Series
Lexmark 3500-4500 Series
Lexmark 3600-4600 Series
Lexmark 4039 plus
Lexmark 4079 plus
Lexmark 4300 Series
Lexmark 4800 Series
Lexmark 4900 Series
Lexmark 5000 Series
Lexmark 5000 Series Fax
Lexmark 5200 Series
Lexmark 5300 Series
Lexmark 5300 Series Fax
Lexmark 5400 Series
Lexmark 5400 Series Fax
Lexmark 5600-6600 Series
Lexmark 5600-6600 Series Fax
Lexmark 6200 Series
Lexmark 6300 Series
Lexmark 6500 Series
Lexmark 6500 Series Fax
Lexmark 6500E Series
Lexmark 6500E Series Fax
Lexmark 7100 Series
Lexmark 7100 Series Fax
Lexmark 730 Series
Lexmark 7500 Series
Lexmark 7500 Series Fax
Lexmark 7600 Series
Lexmark 7600 Series Fax
Lexmark 810 Series
Lexmark 9300 Series
Lexmark 9300 Series Fax
Lexmark 9500 Series
Lexmark 9500 Series Fax
Lexmark C510
Lexmark C510 Fax
Lexmark C520
Lexmark C522
Lexmark C524
Lexmark C530
Lexmark C532
Lexmark C534
Lexmark C540
Lexmark C543
Lexmark C544
Lexmark C546
Lexmark C720
Lexmark C720 Fax
Lexmark C734
Lexmark C736
Lexmark C750
Lexmark C750 Fax
Lexmark C752
Lexmark C752 Fax
Lexmark C760
Lexmark C760 Fax
Lexmark C762
Lexmark C762 Fax
Lexmark C770
Lexmark C770 Fax
Lexmark C772
Lexmark C772 Fax
Lexmark C780
Lexmark C780 Fax
Lexmark C782
Lexmark C782 Fax
Lexmark C790 Series
Lexmark C910
Lexmark C910 Fax
Lexmark C912
Lexmark C912 Fax
Lexmark C920
Lexmark C920 Series
Lexmark C930
Lexmark C935
Lexmark C950 Series
Lexmark E120n
Lexmark E220
Lexmark E230
Lexmark E232
Lexmark E234
Lexmark E234n
Lexmark E238
Lexmark E240
Lexmark E240n
Lexmark E250d
Lexmark E250dn
Lexmark E260
Lexmark E260d
Lexmark E260dn
Lexmark E320
Lexmark E321
Lexmark E322
Lexmark E323
Lexmark E330
Lexmark E332n
Lexmark E340
Lexmark E342n
Lexmark E350D
Lexmark E352DN
Lexmark E360d
Lexmark E360dn
Lexmark E450dn
Lexmark E460dn
Lexmark E460dw
Lexmark E462dtn
Lexmark EG460dn
Lexmark Optra C
Lexmark Optra C710
Lexmark Optra C710 Fax
Lexmark Optra Color 1200
Lexmark Optra Color 40
Lexmark Optra Color 45
Lexmark Optra E310
Lexmark Optra E312
Lexmark Optra E312L
Lexmark Optra Ep
Lexmark Optra K
Lexmark Optra L
Lexmark Optra Lx
Lexmark Optra Lx Plus
Lexmark Optra LXI Plus
Lexmark Optra LXn Plus
Lexmark Optra M410
Lexmark Optra M410 Fax
Lexmark Optra M412
Lexmark Optra M412 Fax
Lexmark Optra N
Lexmark Optra R
Lexmark Optra R Plus
Lexmark Optra Rn Plus
Lexmark Optra Rt Plus
Lexmark Optra Rx
Lexmark Optra S
Lexmark Optra S plus
Lexmark Optra S xxx5 Series
Lexmark Optra SC
Lexmark Optra T
Lexmark Optra T Fax
Lexmark Optra W810
Lexmark Optra W810 Fax
Lexmark P910 Series
Lexmark Pro200-S500 Series
Lexmark Pro200-S500 Series Fax
Lexmark Pro4000 Series
Lexmark Pro4000 Series Fax
Lexmark Pro5500 Series
Lexmark Pro5500 Series Fax
Lexmark Pro700 Series
Lexmark Pro700 Series Fax
Lexmark Pro710 Series
Lexmark Pro710 Series Fax
Lexmark Pro800-Pro900 Series
Lexmark Pro800-Pro900 Series Fax
Lexmark Pro910 Series
Lexmark Pro910 Series Fax
Lexmark S300-S400 Series
Lexmark S300-S400 Series Fax
Lexmark S310 Series
Lexmark S410 Series
Lexmark S410 Series Fax
Lexmark S510 Series
Lexmark S510 Series Fax
Lexmark S600 Series
Lexmark S800 Series
Lexmark S800 Series Fax
Lexmark T420
Lexmark T430
Lexmark T520
Lexmark T520 Fax
Lexmark T522
Lexmark T522 Fax
Lexmark T620
Lexmark T620 Fax
Lexmark T622
Lexmark T622 Fax
Lexmark T630
Lexmark T630 Fax
Lexmark T632
Lexmark T632 Fax
Lexmark T634
Lexmark T634 Fax
Lexmark T640
Lexmark T640 Fax
Lexmark T642
Lexmark T642 Fax
Lexmark T644
Lexmark T644 Fax
Lexmark T650
Lexmark T652
Lexmark T654
Lexmark T656
Lexmark TG654
Lexmark W812
Lexmark W812 Fax
Lexmark L820
Lexmark Fax L820
Lexmark W840
Lexmark W850
Lexmark X203n
Lexmark X204n
Lexmark X204n
Lexmark X264dn
Lexmark X264dn Fax
Lexmark X340
Lexmark X342N
Lexmark X363dn
Lexmark X364dn
Lexmark X364dn Fax
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Lexmark X364dw Fax
Lexmark X422
Lexmark X422 Fax
Lexmark X463de
Lexmark X463de Fax
Lexmark X464de
Lexmark X464de Fax
Lexmark X466de
Lexmark X466de Fax
Lexmark X466dte
Lexmark X466dte Fax
Lexmark X466dwe
Lexmark X466dwe Fax
Lexmark X5400 Series
Lexmark X5400 Series Fax
Lexmark X543
Lexmark X544
Lexmark X544 Fax
Lexmark X546
Lexmark X546 Fax
Lexmark X548 Series
Lexmark X548 Series Fax
Lexmark X642e
Lexmark X642e Fax
Lexmark X644e
Lexmark X644e Fax
Lexmark X646e
Lexmark X646e Fax
Lexmark X651de
Lexmark X651de Fax
Lexmark X652de
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Lexmark X654de
Lexmark X654de Fax
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Lexmark X656de Fax
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Lexmark X658de Fax
Lexmark X734de
Lexmark X734de Fax
Lexmark X736de
Lexmark X736de Fax
Lexmark X738de
Lexmark X738de Fax
Lexmark X790 Series
Lexmark X790 Series Fax
Lexmark X850e
Lexmark X850e Fax
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Lexmark X862de Fax
Lexmark X864de
Lexmark X864de Fax
Lexmark X920 Series
Lexmark X920 Series Fax
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Lexmark X945e
Lexmark X945e Fax
Lexmark X950 Series
Lexmark X950 Series Fax
Lexmark Z2300 Series
Lexmark Z2400 Series
Before installing version 2.8 of Apple Lexmark Printer Driver for Mac OS for Mac OS make sure this is the latest version available and that it works with your current operating system and device model. If the driver contains release notes ("readme" files) proceed with reading them first. Second recommended step is creating a restore point to help you later on in case you install the wrong device driver. Note that some drivers will work instantly after installing them, but others will require a system restart in order to function properly.
As an alternative, you can simplify the process of installing the latest versions for your drivers by using a program to scan all your drivers and compare them with the latest available versions from the manufacturers. We recommend Driver Scanner from Uniblue for such a task. Download it and run a free driver scan here.
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Antivirus information
Download3K has downloaded and tested Apple Lexmark Printer Driver for Mac OS on 5 Jul 2012 with some of Today's best antivirus engines and you can find below, for your convenience, the scan results:
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Clean -
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