Soft Catcher 1.0

Soft Catcher 1.0

Developer's description
Published by Elerion on 2 Sep 2006

"Fii informat despre shareware / freeware ştiri"

Acest utilitar mic informaţii vă ajută să rămâneţi informat cu privire la ştiri şi actualizări de software-ul de articole preferate. Se verifică periodic web de ştiri / update si le arata in privat ca fereastra pop-up. Apoi, le puteţi accesa doar cu un singur clic.

Requirements: Internet Connection

  • Size

    0.57 MB
  • License

  • OS

  • Updated

    2 Sep 2006
  • Downloads

    376 (3 last week)

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Antivirus information

Download3K did not scan Soft Catcher for viruses, adware, spyware or other badware. For your own safety, we recommend that you always have an antivirus, with virus definitions up to date, installed on your computer when downloading and installing programs from the web.

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