MailWasher Pro 7.15.25

MailWasher Pro 7.15.25

Developer's description
Published by Firetrust Limited on 4 Feb 2025

"Scapa de spam, a viruşilor şi nedorite de e-mail"

MailWasher Pro vă permite să examinaţi mai multe conturi, precum şi toate aspectele de e-mail pe server înainte de a le descărca în computer, astfel va proteja de spam, virusi, atacuri de tip phishing şi a altor factorilor nocivi. Programul, de asemenea, învaţă ce fel de e-mail pe care doriţi să primiţi şi se adaptează la preferinţele dumneavoastră. Puteţi apoi ştergeţi de e-mail nedorite, înainte de a ajunge la tine şi chiar un raport în baza de date FirstAlert centrală, în cazul în care este verificat pentru a se asigura nici un alt utilizator MailWasher Pro-l primeste. Alte caracteristici ajuta la identificarea şi a vă proteja împotriva viruşilor şi a viermilor. De asemenea, sunt incluse filtre complete, personalizate, utilizarea de liste negre publice pentru a identifica autorii de spam si mai multe conturi. MailWasher Pro este compatibil cu POP3, Hotmail, MSN, AOL şi IMAP.

Requirements: 4 Mb of RAM, 4Mb of disk space, POP3, IMAP, AOL or Hotmail/MSN account

What's new in this version: New Features "Restore" function added to the Statistics window (CTRL-S). Users can restore the downloaded portion of deleted emails by selecting the email from the Mail Log tab of the Statistics window and either clicking "Restore" or by right-clicking and selecting "Restore Email". Quick reply button added (Hotkey Q or button in Preview pane / window). This feature launches a "New Email" window using the default Windows mail client allowing users to create quick replies to messages in the MailWasher window. Pressing "Ctrl-Shift-M" will now restore MailWasher from the system tray. Users can set their own "on new mail" sound (Tools->Options). Added more heuristic options to the Spam Tools system. Accounts Hotkey Changed to F8. Pressing "Esc" while mail is checking/processing will now stop the operation. Users can now completely disabled message logging (Tools->Options->Summary tab). Users can now alter the number of days the Message Log keeps records for (Tools->Options->Summary tab). Added "Status" column to the Mail Log tab of the Statistics window. Swapped the Register & Spam Tools buttons. MailWasher's IMAP Session is now flag aware and shows messages marked as "read" on the IMAP server as "read" in MailWasher. The state of the Show Hidden Emails option is now preserved between sessions. Mark and Unmark all for blacklist option added to the right-click menu on the main mail grid. ALT-T now opens the Tools menu, rather than Spam Tools menu which is now opened by CTRL-T. Added several important Firetrust email addresses to the default friends list. Added a "Clear" button to the Statistics window. Added filter option to disable the Report checkbox (used by FirstAlert! and SpamCop). Added a progress bar to the Statistics window. Changed the AOL/Oscar implementation so that MailWasher works concurrently with other AOL applications (such as AOL, AIM etc). Changed the mouse cursor when over the Firetrust logo to better indicate the link to the Firetrust web site.

  • Size

    27.85 MB
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