AquaSoft PhotoKalender 3.6.02

AquaSoft PhotoKalender 3.6.02

Developer's description
Published by AquaSoft GmbH on 16 Apr 2012

"photocalender imprimate ca un cadou"

AquaSoft PhotoCalender 3 este software-ul photocalender pentru imprimare, desktop, PDF, copyshop şi printservice. Acesta este dotat cu o multime de template-uri şi funcţii creative. Puteţi folosi ca idee de cadou şi de a prezenta pozele tot anul, inclusiv toate private şi a datelor, cum ar fi officionals birthdaylist sau programe de Outlook. Acum vine cu serviciu de imprimare online AquaSoft. Puteţi încărca doar până fisierul calende şi să-l înapoi la domiciliu prin e-mail.

Requirements: CPU Pentium, RAM 128MB, Graphic 1024x768x32bit

What's new in this version: Neue Kalendervorlagen und Zugang zum AquaSoft Online print service major release, new templates and access to AquaSoft Online print service

  • Updated

    16 Apr 2012
  • Downloads

    643 (2 last week)

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Download3K has downloaded and tested AquaSoft PhotoKalender on 17 Apr 2012 with some of Today's best antivirus engines and you can find below, for your convenience, the scan results:
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