Published by Via on
26 Mar 2010
6.16 MB -
Freeware -
Windows -
$0 -
Via -
26 Mar 2010 -
1,391 (1 last week)
"VIA chipset mecanicii trebuie să fie instalat pe ..."
VIA chipset mecanicii trebuie să fie instalat pe un sistem cu chipset-ul CLE266, precum şi un CLE266 drivere de afişare pentru suport grafic integrat. Drivere de chipset VIA pot fi găsite prin selectarea sistemului de operare şi apoi "drivere de chipset VIA sau Platforma" opţiune. Acest driver acceptă funcţia de rotaţie.Pentru a instala driverul, salvaţi orice lucru nesalvat şi închideţi toate aplicaţiile, apoi faceţi clic pe linkul de download de conducător auto (mai sus). Selectaţi "Save File" opţiune şi salvaţi-l în folderul Windows unde va depune driverele. Dezarhiveaza fisierul. (Pentru a decomprima fişierul click dreapta şi de a evidenţia "extragă toate"), apoi faceţi dublu clic pe fişierul Setup.exe pentru a rula programul de instalare. Urmaţi instrucţiunile şi reporniţi la sfârşitul instalării.
Sisteme de operare suportate:
Windows 2000, Windows XP
Before installing version of Via CLE266 UniChrome Integrated Graphics Driver for Windows make sure this is the latest version available and that it works with your current operating system and device model. If the driver contains release notes ("readme" files) proceed with reading them first. Second recommended step is creating a restore point to help you later on in case you install the wrong device driver. Note that some drivers will work instantly after installing them, but others will require a system restart in order to function properly.
As an alternative, you can simplify the process of installing the latest versions for your drivers by using a program to scan all your drivers and compare them with the latest available versions from the manufacturers. We recommend Driver Scanner from Uniblue for such a task. Download it and run a free driver scan here.
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Antivirus information
Download3K has downloaded and tested Via CLE266 UniChrome Integrated Graphics Driver on 20 Mar 2012 with some of Today's best antivirus engines and you can find below, for your convenience, the scan results:
Clean -
Clean -
Clean -