Hercules Deluxe Optical Glass USB WebCam Driver

Hercules Deluxe Optical Glass USB WebCam Driver

Developer's description
Published by Hercules on 26 Mar 2010
  • Size

    32.00 MB
  • License

  • OS

  • Price

  • Updated

    26 Mar 2010
  • Downloads

    5,397 (2 last week)

"Procedura de instalare:   1 - În primul rând, uni ..."

Procedura de instalare:

1 - În primul rând, dezinstalaţi versiunea anterioară a driver-ele dvs. şi software.

2 - Descarcă şi instalează noul controller-Xtra drivere pachet software pentru webcam-ul:

3 - Descărcaţi şi instalaţi noua Hercules Webcam Station pentru webcam-ul


?? Creaţi un folder pentru toate download-urile Hercules: faceţi clic dreapta pe desktop-ul Windows, apoi indicaţi spre New / Folder.

?? Nume Descărcări dosarul Hercules.

?? Faceţi clic pe linkul de download.

?? Descărcarea unui fişier apare caseta de dialog. Faceţi clic pe Salvare.

?? O Salvare ca apare caseta de dialog. Selectaţi Hercules dosarul Download-aţi creat şi apoi faceţi clic pe Salvare.

?? Odată ce descărcarea este completă, faceţi dublu-clic de instalare (. Exe) şi urmaţi instrucţiunile furnizate pentru a instala software-ul.

Sistem de operare:

Windows XP 32/64-bit
Windows Vista 32/64-bit
Windows 7 32/64-bit

Before installing version of Hercules Deluxe Optical Glass USB WebCam Driver for Windows make sure this is the latest version available and that it works with your current operating system and device model. If the driver contains release notes ("readme" files) proceed with reading them first. Second recommended step is creating a restore point to help you later on in case you install the wrong device driver. Note that some drivers will work instantly after installing them, but others will require a system restart in order to function properly.

As an alternative, you can simplify the process of installing the latest versions for your drivers by using a program to scan all your drivers and compare them with the latest available versions from the manufacturers. We recommend Driver Scanner from Uniblue for such a task. Download it and run a free driver scan here.

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Antivirus information

Download3K has downloaded and tested Hercules Deluxe Optical Glass USB WebCam Driver on 11 Mar 2012 with some of Today's best antivirus engines and you can find below, for your convenience, the scan results:
  • Avira:

  • Bitdefender:

  • Kaspersky:

  • NOD32:

Hercules Deluxe Optical Glass USB WebCam Driver Antivirus Report

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