"16 instrumente pentru Crystal Reports 10 de gestionare"
16 instrumente pentru Crystal Reports din suita cel mai puternic, integrat, cea mai uşoară şi de instrumente pentru editare, analiza, documente, Modificare, Migrarea şi Conversie + :: unul sau mai multe rapoarte Crystal, în acelaşi timp!Inspector RPT poate. Lucra uşor cu Crystal Report 1 la un moment dat, dar puterea sa este de lucru cu Crystal Reports mai multe în acelaşi timp.În câteva secunde o în memorie cross-obiect de referinţă şi a indicelui de proprietate este construit pentru fiecare raport Crystal deschis. Selectarea unui obiect (de exemplu Formula, Text, secţiunea, Parametru, etc), relevă imediat proprietăţile (de exemplu text definiţie, culoare, font, text determinat, valorile implicite, etc). Selectarea mai multor obiecte (chiar şi în diferite rapoarte Crystal), vă arată proprietăţile pe care le au în comun.Citeste CR formate de fişiere şi de 5-10 scrie CR 10 formatul de fişier. Alte ediţii sprijini CR 8,5, CR 9, CR XI.Requirements: Crystal Reports 10
What's new in this version: o [Objects Pane - ALL TABS] - Fixed issue with Export to Excel in certain cases resulting in "#VALUE!" / invalid values in cells. o [Wizards - Change data source / database] - Added support of DAO (Data Access Object) connectivity for Access and Excel to supported destinations. Listed in the wizard as "Access/Excel (DAO)" in the list of available destinations (on page 3 of the wizard). o [TOOLS|OPTIONS - Misc] - Added option to "Use Schema Nodes in Database Wizard". Defaults to enabled. Necessary when working with destination connections which have same named tables in multiple schemas -- in which case you must select the schema name, not just the connection in the wizard. o [Wizards - Change data source / database] - Added new child node to destination connection. If "Use Schema Nodes in Database Wizard" is enabled in "TOOLS|OPTIONS - Misc", and if the destination connection type supports schemas, then you'll see listed under the destination connection node (as a child node) the schema (on page 3 of the wizard). In which case you must now select the schema in the destination connection before the wizard will allow you to continue. However, if this option is disabled, it is enough to select the destination connection (as was the case in previous builds) before the wizard will allow you to continue. o [Wizards - Change data source / database] - Fixed issue with File DSN for ODBC connection destination, not being saved properly. o [File - OPEN] - Added option in "TOOLS|OPTIONS - File" an option to set the default Open dialog. The choices are "File System Dialog", "Folders Dialog". Defaults to "File System Dialog" o [TOOLS|OPTIONS - Viewer] - Fixed issue where even though "Display Viewer on Startup" was off, viewer was still displayed. o [Wizards - Change data source / database] - Fixed "Verify Database" appearing each time and requiring you to click on "OK" during processing. o [Objects Pane - ALL TABS] - Fixed issue with improperly sorting date columns. o [Objects Pane - ALL TABS] - Fixed checkbox selection on grouped rows. In certain cases, clicking the checkbox on some rows would not result in a selection. o [File - SAVE] - Fixed issue in trial mode which would complain that the "SAVE LIMIT EXCEEDED", even if you've never saved before, and result in a non-save.
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